I’m Not My Sister, I’m Me! Mia Marie!
By: Debra Powers-Cook
Translated By: Graham Cook
My grandmother added:
“You should dance proper ballerina moves like your sister.” And again I say, “I’m not she, I’m me. I like hip hop, jumping and jiving. It makes me feel confident and free!”
This book tells the story about a younger sibling trying to have her own identity within the world that surrounds her. The younger sister is eight and is constantly mistaken for or compared to her older sister who is ten. She is so perplexed as to why everyone is always mixing them up or comparing them because to her they are so obviously not the same person, and therefore should be different.
She goes through life patiently trying to explain to everyone who she is, hoping they would eventually get it, as she frustratingly points out the differences between the two. Lately, her most used sentence has become; “I’m not she, I’m me!” “Mary Marie”